I feel like it is too hard to plan ahead of time because you can't visualize your layout without spending some money, so stuff gets hastily added on when I can afford it. Also, the way Tropico works where buildings are purchased when you place down the building plot, it would be nice to have a "plan" mode where you can try to picture things all at once, and lay down plans before you have the money. For stuff like getting people to live in certain areas, maybe some options like having buildings be prioritized to people with higher importance jobs.

With teamsters, you could have a priority system or something like what already exists for construction, plus road options like you said would help for congestion and be more fun to plan. The most annoying general gameplay thing from my experience is definitely the logistics of teamsters, its too arbitrary, also could use slightly better controls for where people live, stuff like that.

I also like more in-depth government management, I don't think it'd ruin the dictator sim part either, managing powerful oligarchs and scheming government officials really only adds to that. Just some more intrigue and depth to the system what be cool, it is kinda lame how stuff like having brutal secret police is just a work mode on a building or edict or something, instead of being fleshed out more. What if when rebels escalate enough, they launch a big revolt and actually take objectives like military buildings or police stations, arming themselves and getting stronger? That'd make it feel more like an actual revolution. Maybe if they were a little more constantly present, you could choose how intense patrols are and where they go (so you could skirt around areas you don't want a liberty decrease in, but rebels getting past could be a problem). Yeah that's about it, ive never played another tropico 6 but ive seen that tropico 4 had some amazing buildings and edicts that should def come back in a seventh installment of the seriesĪ bit late to reply here, but I would like it if there were more options for combat against rebels and whatnot, rn the only real strategy is just where to put your military buildings and budget them. tropico sports teams that can play in stadiums gym building that will increase healthcare happiness or tropico 7 equivalent major concept: multiple islands at once you can switch between? so like playing two maps at once wider residential skyscraper variety so they can be taller, shorter, etc. water supply system kind of like the power, just make a water pump and some pipes idk cinematic mode that follows around random cars and people in the city or one where you can take super aesthetic screenshots cavalry troops? would be good for colonial times some buildings when placed beside or near each other can be connected or something, maybe 2 oil rigs placed beside each other make a bridge between them? terraforming, minimal if anything just to flatten out a spot or something dedicated curved roads tool so we have a bit more control of how the roads curve in some situations make multiple bus stops instead of one starting and one ending helicopter tours building or something to do with helicopters i want to see them in the world more than just placing world wonders lol maybe a 4 lane freeway in modern times that you cant add buildings beside, but will increase transport speeds, etc. larger archipelagos with inter-island railways as a transport option joining the existing cargo airports, ports, roadways etc. Here's the tweet about tropico 7, they will continue to use unreal engine, but possibly 5 which will see MAJOR graphics improvementsĪnyways, as im sharing this i thought i might as well share my wishlist as well and some pretty niche requests too: